Spotify V/s Apple Music


The best music player

The iPhone alone brought about a revolution that literally "changed the world." Overnight, hordes of apps began swarming new app stores and building the full new ecosystem that thrives on mobile apps. With the emergence of Android, this rivalry was extreme and set in motion a period in which apps battled for dominance in their own newly formed domains.

The world of mobile apps is unforgiving, and it takes hours for an app to lose its spot on top charts. Consumers based on functionality, user-friendliness, and overall user experience can influence success and adoption rates to judge apps today.

The overall user experience of the app is the determining factor for most users today. With hundreds of variations and clones around it, it is easy to select and choose from the choices available on the market today.

When it comes to music, the world of apps and the experiences they deliver are as diverse as the number of apps, but all the well-known apps around two of them rule the roost and have been in a constant fight for higher acceptance rates—Spotify v/s Apple Music. With loyal fan-bases and a long, protracted history of trying to get one on top of each other, the choices made by their users were not only because of the music they were offering—it was about accessibility and because of user experience that these apps provide.

The Apple Music and Spotify feud has been in effect since Apple purchased Beats Music in 2014 and launched it as Apple Music in June 2015. With artists switching sides, litigation attacks, and revenue-enhancing plots, both sites have battled for user share since their launch and continue to do so until today.

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Without further ado, let us go through the user interface to see if these two behemoths are different. That is why where the fight starts – spot Apple's music:

Player of music

Spotify wins, man! The music player or player is the most critical component of a music app. Although Apple Music has chosen a white background that shows album art, Spotify has gone into a dark UI with white text. Spotify gives users more UI buttons, with the skip, play, shuffle and repeat on the same interface.

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They have done this by wisely eliminating the volume rocker, as most people change the volume from the actual buttons on their phones. When it comes to the number of taps required to hit the artist page of the song you are listening to, Apple takes two taps while Spotify needs two taps and a scroll for the same task.

  • The screen of the home

Winner: Tie or consumer preferences

If you are the person who needs to use music to set the mood or create an atmosphere, Spotify will be the way to go. As the user library going from top to the bottom and the top list goes covered with curated playlists, Spotify has covered it for those who want variety and music choices.

Apple depends on obsessive music lovers who want to make their library accessible to them at all times. That is somewhat similar to the nature of how the iPod delivered music to consumers, with their collections being available first and new stuff arriving later.

  • Find new music

Winner: Spotify it!

The music discovery algorithms of both platforms prioritise music differently. But they have the features designed to help users find what they want from the millions of songs available on both platforms. Both interfaces use machine-driven learning interfaces that increase the frequency and time of use.

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Spotify's discovery page has shown, debated and praised hundreds of times for its excellent user experience. With its Discover Weekly feature, which compiles a playlist to your liking, Google's streaming music service inspired the UI!

Apple's algorithm is user-centric. It is the gender preference of its users, Apple's choice is broad, but the user interface is lacking. With the downright irritating circles, you need to press as they are floating around the interface, it is going to be a hassle to pick the ones you want.

Our verdict is as follows:

While both of these services deliver a wide variety of music, excellent discovery features, and collections, Spotify's user interface manages to beat Apple's iPod-inspired UI by a massive margin.

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Spotify's dark interface, feature-packed music player, and excellent discovery capabilities support the platform's 286 million active monthly users. While Apple's UX is no slouch and has been embraced by millions of users who consider it the best of the roost, it all boils down to personal preference and what you want from your music app! It is your decision!

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